After two years, he enrolled at Eton College. The oldest of their seven children, Shelley left home at age of 10 to study at Syon House Academy, about 50 miles north of Broadbridge Heath and 10 miles west of central London. His parents were Timothy Shelley, a squire and member of Parliament, and Elizabeth Pilfold. He learned to fish and hunt in the meadows surrounding his home, often surveying the rivers and fields with his cousin and good friend Thomas Medwin. He was born and raised in the English countryside in the village Broadbridge Heath, just outside of West Sussex. Percy Bysshe Shelley, a controversial English writer of great personal conviction, was born on August 4, 1792. He went on many adventures with his second wife, Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein. He is also well known for his long-form poetry, including Queen Mab and Alastor.
Percy Bysshe Shelley is one of the epic poets of the 19th century and is best known for his classic anthology verse works such as Ode to the West Wind and The Masque of Anarchy. (1792-1822) Who Was Percy Bysshe Shelley?